Ireland To Host ITF Tag World Cup 2023

Ireland To Host ITF Tag World Cup 2023
HerSport Editor
HerSport Editor

The 2023 ITF Tag World Cup is set to take place in Ireland from 2-5 August.

Over twenty nations will travel to Limerick to compete, mostly from the southern hemisphere.

In 2019, the International Tag Federation awarded the (then) 2021 ITF Tag World Cup to Ireland. All previous tag world cups had taken place in the Southern Hemisphere, so this represented a big change.

The Tag Rugby World Cup begins on Wednesday, August 2 and will see around 2000 of the world's best tag rugby players compete for gold medals across mens, womens, mixed and senior categories.


The tournament will take place at the magnificent University of Limerick, where all players, staff, referees, and even supporters will be accommodated in self-catering accommodation within walking distance of the playing fields.

The Irish Women’s Open Team will be one of the teams to represent Ireland at the upcoming tournament. The team consists of a squad from players all over the country, Dublin, Limerick and Cork. Much work goes into individual and team training. Gym sessions, regional teams and fitness sessions are included in the yearly schedule in order to compete at the highest level.

The team - including the coaches- is currently preparing to take on a challenge of covering the distance of the coastline of Ireland (3,171km) over 10 days from 19-28 May. All funds raised for this challenge will go towards covering the costs to compete at the Tag Rugby World Cup.

You can make a donation to the team here: Women's Open World Cup Fundraiser

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