We had one space left in the forward line of our Coffee XV and we couldn’t think of anyone better than today’s interviewee to fill it. Juggling international soccer and camogie early in her career, since concentrating on the small ball she has quickly established herself as one of the top forwards in the country and captain of her county. Grab a coffee, kick back and enjoy five minutes with Cork and St.Vincents flier, Amy O’Connor.

Coffee order: I don’t drink coffee but I love tea!
WH: We turned down a request from Amy’s people to change the name of the segment
Occupation: Project Manager at Workvivo and I’m a qualified Pharmacist
Where did you first puck a ball: The back field by my house (Nufarm)
Who makes your hurls: Fitzgeralds in Araglin make my hurleys
WH: It’s bad enough arguing over socks without opening that can of worms Amy????
Any nicknames: Most people from my club call me Skippy!
Of all the teams you’ve played for, what’s your favourite jersey: In terms of style I loved the UCC round neck jersey we had for Ashbourne one year. Our Cork jerseys are always reall nice too – I love the new white round neck style from O’Neills! But in terms of meaning the most to me, definitely my club jersey…
WH: We prefer collars to round neck ????
If you could have the jersey of one opponent you respect the most who would it be: I’ve never played against Gemma O’Connor or Orla Cotter as we’ve always been on the same team and club wise we’d be in totally different divisions – it would have to be one of their jerseys for me. Definitely two of the people I respect the most.
Who is the biggest whinger at county training: The Mackeys or Paudie Murray. Tough one to call, they are usually whinging at each other!
Of everything you’ve won, whats your most cherished medal: 2017 All-Ireland with Cork
Medals in a drawer or up on the wall: In a drawer
Long socks or midi socks: Midi – my legs aren’t long enough for long socks!
Carpool karaoke on the way to training… What song and which team mates to belt it out with: I think if I ever wanted to put myself in a good mood it’d have to be Hannah Looney and it doesn’t matter what song! She loves a bit of ABBA though so it’d probably be something like that!
Fav pre match fuel: Pasta and chicken with loads of salt!
And a cheat meal: Chicken wings and then a Mars cheesecake from Scoozi’s
WH: We don’t have an official cheesecake partner yet, so if ye are reading this Scoozi’s, slide into the DMs!
Favourite ground to hurl in: I love Castle Road, especially for club championship! And Pairc Ui Rinn on a summers day can’t be beaten either!
What’s the one thing you have to do to play county that you will stop immediately on retirement: Not go on summer holidays!
You may not know this about me but… I was a Disco dancing champion before I played camogie
Finally Amy, keep it as it is or play with hurling rules: I was probably misinterpreted in the past haha – all I ever wanted was for the game to be sped up and for the games to have a bit more of a flow to them. Things seem to be going well now with the refs letting more go so we’ll have to see how that pans out!
This article was brought to you in association with Women's Hurling.